Prof Osman Turan (USTRATH) introduced the ‘Human Factor Research Centre Activities’
The main aim Networking Activities of task was to organise wide range of networking activities in order to increase the national, regional and international networking of UM and twinning partners, promote knowledge exchange and create solid and sustainable basis for possible future collaborations, and to broaden knowledge and research capability of UM by involving the formed research group in the Twinning partners’ related on-going research activities on virtual and physical towing tank.

This event, related to networking and collaboration opportunities, and was delivered the Henry Dyer building, that belong to the Naval Architecture, Ocean, and Marine Engineering Department (NAOME) of the University of Strathclyde, in person in Glasgow on 1st July 2022. Five networking questions & answers presentation sessions were delivered by Prof Tonio Sant (UM) on ‘Offshore Hydro-Pneumatic Energy Storage’; Prof Mehmet Atlar (USTRATH) presented the EU H2020 GATERS project and introduced the Hydro Testing Forum (HTF) to UM and NAS since he is part of the Steering Committee of this international network. One of the initial objectives was to provide UM with an insight into HTF’s structure, vision, and mission. This has enabled UM to consider potential collaboration with HTF members and to create a sustainable long-lasting network. On the other hand, Dr Weichao Shi (USTRATH) delivered an interesting talk on the research activities of the ‘Applied Biomimetics Marine Hydrodynamics Group’ and Prof Osman Turan (USTRATH) introduced the ‘Human Factor Research Centre Activities’ (both part of USTRATH NAOME department). Finally, Shahroz Khan (USTRATH) delivered a presentation on the Geometry Functionals as Physics-Informed Accelerators of Shape Optimisation. Following the session, the participants attended a networking lunch which provided an opportunity for knowledge sharing.