Dr Kurt Mizzi, from Naval Architectural Services Ltd (NAS), VENTuRE’s maritime industrial partner, delivered the SHort Specialist Course Virtual Towing Tank Applications in the Marine Industry. The course was delivered online on 12 September 2022.
The main aim of this course was to share with the partners knowledge related to technologies, systems, design, and techniques in virtual and physical towing tank testing.
The focus was on how numerical techniques can be applied to the marine industry to predict various parameters of ship performance and to cover
- Client Requirements & Design Spiral Information
- Academic Research vs Industrial Services
- Cost, Time Constraints, and Efficiency
- To outline the different ways CFD can be applied to the industry
- Case Studies and Examples
- Advanced Numerical modelling of a virtual towing tank in waves
- Advanced prediction of ship performance in self-propelled conditions using virtual disk methods
Case studies and examples were also demonstrated accordingly. Following the course, the lecturer haled a Q&A session and responded to any queries and clarifications requested by the audience.