The fifth VENTuRE summer school held at UNIGE on the 7 – 9 September, 2022. The school covered the theoretical approaches behind the energy efficiency definitions used by IMO and other stakeholders for the marine sector. CO2 emissions and EEDI, EEXI, CII indexes were introduced. The role of the new fuels, energy efficiency devices (e.g. wind assisted propulsion) and best operational practices were delivered and discussed.
School activities & subjects
- Day 1: Wednesday, 7th September 2022
- Ship propulsion systems
- Propulsion Efficiency & Ship Efficiency
- CO2 emissions
- IMO GHG strategy
- Exercise EEDI, EEXI, CII
- Day 2: Thursday, 8th September, 2022
- CO2 reduction strategies
- LNG fuelled ships
- Wind Assisted Propulsion: Flettner rotors
- Methanol fuelled ships
- Day 3: Friday, 9th September 2022
- IMO GHG strategy
- EU Green Deal: Fit for 55
- Fuel as key design factor
- Ship energy modelling
- Safety aspects
- Modelling energy efficiency of complex ship propulsion systems, considering sludge recycling, exhaust gas recovery and Flettner rotors, presented by Veronica Vigna