Check out our latest press release in UM’s NewsPoint!
Check out our latest press release in UM’s NewsPoint!
In September, the University of Genoa shall present a summer school that covers the theoretical approaches behind the energy efficiency definitions used by IMO and other stakeholders for the marine sector. CO2 emissions and EEDI, EEXI, CII indexes will be introduced. Some energy efficiency devices (i.e. wind assisted propulsion) will be presented and best operational…
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The latest VENTuRE e-Newsletter published in the Italian periodical “Vita e Mare” in the July-August 2022 edition.
Check out our latest VENTuRE journal publication. ABSTRACT: Hull roughness significantly increases ship resistance, power, and fuel consumption. Although it is typically spatially heterogeneous, little research has dealt with heterogeneously distributed roughness on ship hulls. Therefore, this study investigates the heterogeneous hull roughness effect on ship resistance using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). A series of CFD simulations were conducted…
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VENTuRE team member from the University of Malta, Naval Architectural Services Ltd, NAS, and University of Genova, Prof. Claire De Marco, Dr Kurt Mizzi, Ms Mariana Zammit Munro, Mr Alessandro Taylor, Prof. Massimo Figari, Dr Michele Martelli, Dr Diego Villa, Dr Silvia Donnarumma and Dr Raphael Zaccone attended the NAV2022 – 20th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON…
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The VENTuRE team members from the University of Malta, Prof. Claire De Marco, Prof Tonio Sant, and Dr Mitchell Borg, and Dr Guiliano Vernengo from the University of Genoa attended OMAE2022 – 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering – held in Hamburg, Germany from 6th to 9th June 2022. The conference covered…
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Prof. Claire De Marco and Ms Diane Scicluna attended the International Conference in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (MARTECH2022) conference in Lisbon, Portugal 24 – 26 May 2022. Ms Scicluna presented her paper entitled “Modelling the Hydrostatic Stability Characteristics of a Self-Aligning Floating Offshore Wind Turbine” as part of her M.Sc. by Research in Mechanical Engineering…
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Check out our latest VENTuRE journal publication. ABSTRACT: Vessels can operate in unpredictable environments depending on the geographical area and weather conditions. One example of conditions a vessel might not be assessed against is the presence of depth-varying currents, which are particularly relevant in confined waters where currents can be created due to tidal influences,…
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Check out the official video for the National Networking event that was held this May: