A partner industry visit was organised on the 25th of February as part of the ongoing H2020 project VENTuRE (Project No. 856887). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme. The visit served as an opportunity for academics, researchers, and students from the University of Malta (UM) and from…
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The cavitation phenomenon, also known as cold boiling, occurs at distinct high-velocity, high-pressure marine conditions that results vapour bubbles along structural surfaces. The vapour bubbles lead to erosion and hence induce significant damage to ship propellers and rudders. The VENTuRE project is proud to provide knowledge-exchange support for the MarSA-funded CAVEAT (CAVitation Experimentation Acquisition Technology)…
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Check out our latest VENTuRE journal publication. ABSTRACT: Conventional liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargo vessels are imposed with tank-fill limitations as precautions to prevent structural damage and stability-loss due to high-impact sloshing, enforcing cargo volume-fills to be lower than 10% or higher than 70% of the tank height. The restrictions, however, limit commercial operations, specifically…
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Check out our latest VENTuRE journal publication. ABSTRACT: Hybrid turbochargers can become an attractive solution for new built and retrofitted ship power plants, as their use can result in increasing the plant efficiency and reducing emissions. This study aims at computationally investigating the hybrid turbocharger effects on a large marine dual-fuel four-stroke engine performance and…
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Check out our live interview on Maltese national television.
Watch Prof. Tonio Sant (UM), Dr. Kurt Mizzi (NAS), and Dr. Mitchell Borg (UM) discussing the VENTuRE project in their live interview on TVAM at Television Malta.
Check out our newest journal publication! ABSTRACT: The loss of ship propulsion has been reported to be the most frequent cause of accidents at sea over the last few years. The loss of propulsive power has a notable effect on the behaviour of a ship during ship manoeuvring, and hence the manoeuvrability of ships suffering from propulsion…
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A visit to the L’Universita` degli Studi di Genova was organised last September as part of the ongoing H2020 project VENTuRE. The visit served as an opportunity for academics, researchers, and students from the University of Malta (UM) to familiarise with towing tank and cavitation tunnel facilities managed by the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Navale, Elettrica,…
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The VENTuRE team members from the University of Strathclyde, Dr Yigit Demirel, Dr Soonseok Song, and Mr Roberto Ravenna, the University of Genoa, Prof. Massimo Figari, University of Malta, Prof. Claire De Marco, Prof. Tonio Sant, Dr Mitchell Borg, and Ms Diane Scicluna, attended GMO-SHIPMAR 2021 – 2nd International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology…
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The VENTuRE project aims to enhance Malta’s technological and research capacities in the naval sector through the contribution of knowledge and experience from the universities involved, and the training of human resources in the maritime and naval sector. Within the project, thematic seminars, technical visits, staff exchanges, student exchanges, internships, and training courses are organized…
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